Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all our readers! We do not intend to miss the party either! To make sure of that, we are giving away 2 Binverse Premium Accounts!

Binverse is a Usenet solution. Usenet network arrangement enables users to download data at the fastest speed possible. When you generally download anything from the internet, your request is queued and the server slogs and allows you to download files. But with Usenet, the data is stored in commercial grade servers which allow you to download at super fast speeds.

What this means is that if your internet speed is 2 Mbps or 10 Mbps you will be able to download files at those speeds and not few kbps!

  • Binverse has over 800 TB of content – Audio, Video and all types of files.
  • Preview audio and video files before download.
  • 50 GB of download limit with no expiry date.
  • Every Binverse account comes with 256-bit SSL server connections. (Your ISP cannot “sniff” what you are downloading).
  • Built in search engine to browse through thousands of files.
  • Each account is worth $25!

How to get into the contest

To enter the contest you can : –

  1. Share at least 1 (More if you like!) posts from Etiole on Facebook and tag it with #cEtiole. Make sure you’ve made the post visible to everyone or else we won’t be able to find you!
  2. Tweet at least 1 (More if you like!) posts from Etiole on Twitter and tag it with #cEtiole.
There are share buttons below every post on Etiole to make your task easier! You can share this post too if you want to enter or head to our archives (To the lower most right, on the sidebar and select a month randomly to read) and share from there! Each share amounts to 1 entry!
The contest ends on the 31st of this year! Results will be announced on 1st January, 2012! Good Luck and Happy Holidays!
Update : The winners are