MusicoveryNow are you having a party? Don’t know which song to play or you want to play a song which you don’t have? Don’t Worry, I have the solution!

Musicovery, a music website allows users to play music according to your mood or the ocassion. It has got a cool interface too. You can select genres and then further go search for the song by using their interactive tools. Like if you click on the category globe near Energetic it will play a Wacky song which will make you dance! (please dance like no ones seeing because thats called true dancing, Right??). Musicovery - Remote
This will be available on Mobile also so now its not a big problem. And one more new feature is that you can get a songs remixes and all other versions too , all for free.

And all this is free of costs but since the website completely runs on flash except the ads (Google may put text or banner and maybe flash) the website may load slowly on 56 kbs modems (no one has it currently but somepeople do!) but it is surely worth wait.

My tip: Please always try to visit websites with least flash material because your isp costs may rise and then you will have to pay the bill!