Twitter is growing at the speed of light for now after many things happening out there – Asthon Vs Cnn, Oprah Joining Twitter and so on. Twitter’s all over the newspapers, new channels. But in this growth marketers looks for great opportunities to make customers. AfterAll if it’s twitter, it’s gotta be mass. So here are quick 5 Tips how you can increase your ReTweets.

  1. Let it have a catchy headline with the link. Here’s an Example :
    Post : Apple Releases a new Ad as an Answer to Microsofts “I am Pc ad”
    General headline (what you would put) : Apple releases a new ad to insult Microsoft
    Catchy Headline  (What you should put) : Apple’s Kicks out Windows from the Battle Feild
  2. Let it be for all and not just some selected group. All types of tweeple exist, Marketers, Foodie’s, bloggers, Musicians and so on. But the question goes that Does your tweet contain matter which will interest Majority of Tweeple?? So if it’s yes the chances of your tweet being retweeted increase 5X.
  3. Use # tags. People search for topics and if you use a #topic then your tweets get listed along with that topic so when people search about it and find your tweet interesting then they will surely ReTweet it.
  4. Sometime’s People don’t tweet it themselves, you need to ask them to. It’s for sure that sometimes you don’t have everything you need to ask for it. So Ask fellow tweeters to retweet your tweet and i assure you that there are many many kind tweeps on Twitter who will surely retweet it. If no one does, than please do ask me 🙂 @monikkinom
  5. Last one but the most effective one : If you Retweet certain tweep’s tweets then they thank you by ReTweeting your interesting tweets. That’s the Best idea and by this method both tweeters benefit, so i recommend you this one!

Many many more tips are still left. If you know any please make post it below in the comments!