Microsoft_Tablet_Courier We are not yet over with the Rumors about Apple’s tablet PC and there comes some news from Microsoft, it’s biggest rival that it might be working on some a Tablet PC too.

The Tablet according to leaked pictures and information has a 7 Inch Screen which will be touch-sensitive (very obvious) and have stylus input and writing. It’s another purpose may be to compete with Amazon’s Kindle as a Ebook Reader 🙂 The device has also been named Courier, now if you can remember something that among the lists of fonts in Word, this name is also present!

The Design will be more Book-Like than actually being like a tablet. Instead of pages it will have two screens which will fold one above other and would form a Booklet like Object.
It is also being said that Microsoft Might be able to beat Apple in the Tablet race by releasing it before then it’s competitor. Yikes!

Currently it’s in Development stage and the User Interface is being worked upon. But on thing is not surely confirmed, that will it be working on Windows 7 (Maybe because Windows 7 is touch ready) or Windows Mobile 6.5 or a new system.

Prices Still seems to be a mystery. It’s not confirmed but it is not likely to be untrue because this era is of Tablets and it’s not possible that leading tech companies like Microsoft would remain behind in the race.

[Via Gizmodo]