There are a lot of bloggers around who are always looking for a Windows Live Writer for Mac. Unfortunately thats not available for mac or Microsofts never going to do it, or else windows sale will get a hit.

So here’s a list of some of the blogging clients i found which might be able to replace Windows Live Writer

1.) Blogo – If you were looking for a Windows Live Writer for Mac, here it is. Perfect Desktop Blogging client for Probloggers, nearly has all the features which WIndows Live Writer has and the User Interface is way better than Live Writer.  You can check it out here and download the free trial version here.

Blogo - the advance blog editor

Blogo - the advance blog editor

2.) MyBlogEdit – Another Cool Desktop Blogging Client. Best part of it is that it allows you to import posts from HTML and TEXT files and many other supported types. It has got a Comfortable user interface which allows you to use most of your wordpress blog functionalities.

3.) Ecto – Another Desktop Blogging Client which supports a wide range of platforms including Drupal, Typepad, nucleus, blogger, wordpress and so on. Although the Software may be a bit complex but when it comes to features, nothing can beat it!

4.) MacJournal – Simple and clean desktop blogging client which supports a handful of blogging clients like blogger,wordpress and amazingly, .mac too! Best Feature – Makes adding videos, pdf’s and other content very easy to the blog post, so if you do post such content on regular basis, this one’s for you!


Mac Journal

5.) Flock – Free to use browser which many might have used on Windows, and this is also known as the Social Browser. It also supports blog posting and editing so if your planning to go with flock, then you surely don’t need a Separate browser or blogging client because both come bundled up saving space and making it easy to post!