Do you want to rule the Web? Go to any page and edit the Contents as per what you like? Re-Arrange any Website as per your wish? Delete of some useless images, and type in your content?

Sounds nice. Well, one of the best Examples would be deleting those ads on Google Search Pages. I know, you hate them but since people do make money our of it, and that’s how most services are brought to you we can’t blame it exactly.

But Anyways, If you’ve wanted to delete the ads from your FaceBook Profile page, or any other place then i’ll give you a super hack, how to do that 😉


From this

From this


Picture 26

To this


How? Simple code to type in your browser anytime, you want to edit any page on the web. 

javascript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; document.designMode=’on’; void 0

That’s it. Now edit the page. Show off your Ad incomes very high, or fool your friends, with different tricks 😉