Just to make stuff clear, this post isn’t about wives dominating their husbands, and its related to tech. Seriously, believe me.

Who Rules the web? You? Me? Its obviously Google.

Why? It does not serve content, it just helps you to find it. How funny is it? A Car Retailer makes more than the manufacturer!

Forget Internet, get back to operating systems. To be Frank, people like it or not Microsoft rules the market, even if abused to the core by the users. It’s a Fact.

Facebook, what makes it so special? I mean sites like facebook did exist when it wasn’t that popular but all failed and today it dominates the Social Media Sphere with over 350 Million Active Members.

Picture 27

All these things make me think a lot, and i don’t think my brain is capable of taking over so much load so thats why i write it down here.

Ask yourself questions. Why does it dominate and no other damn company can challenge it easily? What is so addictive about it?

The answers are as simple as the way to Parish Church (I don’t remember but i am quoting these lines from some poem).

First, you need to understand why services work.

  • Your the Best
  • Your the Only

It’s so damn simple, so why didn’t that damn computer engineer across the street end up as some founder of a multi-billion dollar company? To be the best, you’ve got to be competitive in terms of all the factors affecting the result.

Lets take the case of Facebook. Facebook is the largest social network which if had a physical existence too would be in the top 5 most populated countries. Give me one reason why it has more users than MySpace? Ease of use, Simplicity and Reach. I think Facebook topped all three and so it took over the drivers seat throwing the others back. If we see it other way round, the concept is same, “Networking” but just the approach is different.

When Google Started it was not the only search engine at that time had tough competitors like Yahoo! but they did have difficult time defeating them as Yahoo! was not much focused on Search. Today they dominate the web. If you’ve got to get traffic, you have to go the Google way. I mean SEO is one kind of Google optimizing than Search Optimizing.

Twitter also dominates a large part of our social web. No. 1 reason is that it’s idea was unique. Probably 140 Characters to tell whatever you want was something pretty new at the time they started but today it’s common because it succeeded.

This part is dedicated to bloggers out here. Mashable, Techcrunch, Engadget and so on.. these blogs are ruling the Blogosphere (I can say that from my experience) and the only reason why they rule is because they have already climbed those few starting steps and now they don’t ever need to look behind. These days i see tech bloggers growing in numbers just like Sea Horses giving eggs. Its no big surprise that not even one stand a chance to win against the top blogs if they aim to blog with the intention of getting more popular than those blogs. It’s about the content quality that matters. If you search around on my blog you’ll find a lot of posts on how to improve blogging skills.

But, remember you can surely challenge the authority of top blogs, but first establish yourself and then work around it.

Ending this post with a final note, Remember the David and Goliath Story? Yea, the one where David kills Goliath who was six times his size with a slingshot. Don’t loose hope, if you aim at competing with giants you don’t need to be one to start. You just need the right type of weapon to challenge the authority. Go Ahead, try out new ideas and you never know that may be the weapon!