Steve Jobs resignation came as a shock to many but to the man, it was exactly how it was supposed to be. Every day when I come across news cooked up in Cupertino, it reminds me of a classic tale in the making. Every decision Jobs takes is rapidly leading him to preparation of a legacy to leave behind.

Its his sheer luck, a planned adventure or whatever. I don’t know. One thing that I’m sure about is his daring and dauntless character. Steve Jobs was my idol. I’ve seen his Stanford Commencement Speech more than a hundred times, not once did I not sense the energy that I felt the first time. I’ve read many books about him. iCon, his unauthorized biography tells me a lot about him and his perseverance. He was a perfect entrepreneur. I’ve spent infinitely many hours studying Apple’s market tactics, ideas and their execution. Through all of it, flows the vision of this man.

Being a tech blogger, I knew that if any news has something to do with Jobs, it’s definitely worth a chase. And it always turned out to be. Steve amazed us and gifted us those breathtaking moments when he unveiled the most revolutionary concepts before anyone else. Ah, I’m feeling nostalgic.

What happens next at Apple under Tim Cooks leadership? I don’t know. But Apple is Definitely not going to be what it was without Jobs. I surely won’t feel the excitement. Thank You Steve Jobs for filling our jobs with emotions. Thank You.